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starbucks◱ ◱

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I love blockchain and I love everyone in the crypto world.

Jul 31, 2023

⚠️ Clearing up the CRV situation today
✅ Multiple stable pools (alETH/msETH/pETH) using viper 0.2.15 are exposed due to a re-entry lock malfunction [see article]
✅ Funds have been leaked from several projects, including Alchemics Pie, and several projects, including JPEGd_69 and CurveFinance itself
✅ As a result, CRV plunges to $0 in some pools [Photo]
✅ Quick response from Curve team and Michael
EMERGENCY CRV DISTRIBUTION ISSUE │ Michael Health coefficient up to 1.57, $171M collateral underpinning $60M loan
✅ The Curve team has confirmed that all affected pools are stored or drained, and other curve-dependent prunesThe project is now declared safe
⚠️ However, residual risk
📝 This caused a short-term shock, pushed to 29k Bitcoin, but is recovering
I think it's necessary to follow up on the situation for a while