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  • 57 Following
Life Long Creator & Collector of Past, Present, & Future Cultural Relics.
Sample Mangler, Super Emcee, Super Fan, Undisciplined Chord Fumbler, Dynamics Crushing, Beat Hoarder.
Beats - Dutchyyy
Rhymes - Dutchmassive
Life - Dutch
Discography 1996-Future.

Apr 16, 2023

I miss expression, nuance and context.
Expansive Dialog, Building rapport, Grace, Compassion & patience. Being Challenged, having disagreements that blossom into growth, understanding and new deeper friendships. I’ve never done well with small talk. So the loss of chronological feeds, dialog in real time, passing thoughts that spark real time conversation and having that organic form of human communication replaced by RNG algorithms, being fed random fragmented, truncated thoughts, days, weeks, months after they have passed has created such an unfulfilling exhange of human connection which we have all witnessed the past decade. We see a Random fragmented thought that doesn’t resonate and instead of even caring to understand context, we often write that “human” off without a second thought under the premise of “protect our peace” For the generation that grew up knowing nothing but exhange of social energy post algorithms, this new form of communication must be normalized and might not even seem tragic. But growing up, pre cellphones, pre smart phones but having access to the internet since it’s inception, it’s so hard to accept this drastic shift of real time, instant expansive dialog, information and inspiration. Sure these moments still exist, but they are so limited compared to the contrast of rage bait, hot takes, arguments that are pushed on our feeds all day, everyday to the point even the most peaceful souls eventually react to some truncated random thought, which snowballs to someone reacting to your reactions and cycle continues and has way more momentum than the conversations that would likely feed the soul. Post Algorithms, I only used social media for output of creativity. Never scrolled timelines. The social exhange would happen organically birthed from some art I posted that turned into receiving a dm, or vice versa. 2020 the world changed, and we were forced to isolate and seek connection via social media at a degree we hadn’t done in excess up that point. Ironically probably the worst time in history to be scrolling timelines. A huge divide that resulted in being over stimulated with so much conflicting opinions with access to tragedy after tragedy, directly fed to collective consciousness all at once through very intentionally tuned algorithms and even though things have calmed down since that time. It feels like that collective trauma we all experienced together never had a chance to heal and we have remained in that very disconnected, reactive mode ever since. Music has always been the healer and a place to escape and express and worth through those emotions in productive manner, but after being exposed to a billion fragmented thoughts all day every day, the last thing I want to do is express my thoughts in song. Like the power of words lost it’s magic. So I shifted to expression through art and telling stories without speaking words. But humans are social creatures and we need a healthy exhange of dialog. Only we have seemed to lose patience for context, nuance and any sort of long form expression. I’d be suprised if any or many even make it this far into this post. But I keep trying and expressing into the void. I’m def not built to sustain in the virtual social spaces if the extent of the population is satiated by a simple “GM” I wish I never experienced such a fruitful extended period of time on the internet so I wouldn’t be reminded how much we lost with introduction of engagement based algorithms, reshaping the way humans connect and value interaction. I know most people definitely wouldn’t rather scroll past a cheerful simple “GM” than reflect on such on heavy topic. But we have limited time on this earth. Gotta leave behind meaningful breadcrumbs. Leave seeds planted. I walk a fine line of over expression and heart on the sleeve vulnerability and never wanting to speak my thoughts online ever again. I feel like little light is being supressed. “I Can’t Say Words”
Love & Light.
Thanks to anyone to who took time to fully digest my rambles.
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