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Ryan Fox

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Pattern recognition is a superpower.
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Deep thoughts on Tech

Aug 1, 2023

Perhaps framework. 🤔
Lens Event Attendance Framework
Because attendance could be measured in many ways: Physical, Virtual, Collected (like OPENLENS), Created (hackathon, workshop, class), etc
So this framework could allow for recording:
  1. Event: This would be the main entity in your system. It should contain details such as:
    • Event ID
    • Event Name
    • Event Description
    • Event Date and Time
    • Event Type (Physical, Virtual, Hybrid)
    • Event Location (can be a physical address, a URL, or both)
  2. Attendee: This would represent the people attending the events. This structure might contain:
    • Attendee ID
    • Name
    • Email
    • Other Contact Details
  3. Attendance: This would link Attendees to Events, and might include some or all of the following:
    • Event ID
    • Attendee ID
    • Attendance Date and Time
    • Attendance Type (In-person, Online live, Online replay, etc.)
    • Attendee’s Status (Confirmed, Attended, Missed, etc.)
  4. Badge (LEAF): This could be the “reward” given to an Attendee for attending an Event. Its structure could be:
    • Badge ID
    • Event ID
    • Attendee ID
    • Badge Creation Date
    • Badge Type or Level (if applicable)
  5. Event_Type: Since you’re dealing with a variety of event types (physical, virtual, hybrid), this entity might be useful:
    • Event Type ID
    • Event Type Description
  6. Attendance_Type: To cater to the different ways of attending (in-person, online live, online replay), this entity can be created:
    • Attendance Type ID
    • Attendance Type Description